Brief biographical detail
Currently (since 1984) working as a photographer, digital artist, writer and tutor based in Norwich, England.
Recent awards & exhibitions
* 2001 First Prize (Digital Section) in the Kentmere Open Awards
* 2001 Merit-awarded finalist in the London Photographic Awards (LPA.5)
* 2000 "Behind The Scenes" solo exhibition commissioned by Norfolk & Norwich HealthcareTrust
Recent publications/reviews
* 2002 Featured artist in Spiked magazine
* 2001 Rotovision Books. Contributing author and photographer to Lighting series of books
* 2001 Portfolios published in Digital Photo Art Journal, and Photo Art International
* 2000 Reviewed by Jon Tarrant in the British Journal of Photography (BJP 18.10.00)
Further information on recent exhibitions and other biographical details can be found on my website