
Brewster Moseley is an Colorado-based photographer specializing in images of historic architectural detail in Butte, Montana, as well as rusting, vintage vehicles.

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Images ©2007 Brewster Moseley Photography

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American Classics

1950 Studebaker Land Cruiser 1951 Pontiac Indian Head Factory Mascot Dodge
Chevrolet Bel Air 1946 Cadillac Ambulance Plymouth2
GEM Mascot Buick Eight 1957 Buick Estate Wagon
Buick Dynaflow Buick Estate Wagon Buick Eight2
1939 Dodge D11 Luxury Liner Ford Truck 1959 Dodge
Chrysler Imperial 1937-38 Chevrolet Buick
Plymouth 1954 Lincoln Factory Mascot Pontiac
Studebaker Truck 1951 Ford 1951 Pontiac Indian Head Factory Mascot (2)