Beth Gates Warren & Dale W. Stulz
B e t h G a t e s W a r r e n biography -
stament -biography D a l e W. S t u l z
B E T H G A T E S W A R R E N B I O :
Beth Gates Warren was a Senior Vice President of Sotheby' s, Inc. when she left the auction house in November 1995 after a twenty - year association. She joined Sotheby' s in 1975, becoming Director of the Photographs Department in 1985. She has lectured and taught classes at such institutions as The New School, the International Center of Photography, New York University, the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Print Club, and the Phillips Museum of Art in Washington, D.C. In 1996 she established her own art consultancy and appraisal business in her new home in the Chicago area. She has recently published several magazine articles on collecting photographs, and is recognized as one of the leading experts in that field. She holds a B. S. in Journalism and an M.A. in Art History from Northwestern University.
S T A T E M E N T B Y B E T H G A T E S W A R R E N:
Dale and I were there at the beginning of the photography market. It was a fast - paced, exciting time, and auctions became a huge part of the market' s development. We once again welcome the opportunity to be there at the beginning of something important. The great appeal of photography has always been its accessibility, its immediacy, and its ability to convey messages in a more compelling way than other art forms. Now the Internet will bring some of those same ingredients to bear on the photography market. We welcome you to this first Internet photography auction, and we hope you' ll enjoy participating in it...Beth Gates Warren
D A L E W. S T U L Z B I O :
Mr. Stulz founded and was Expert Head of the Department of 19th and 20th Century Photographs as well as Vice President and Auctioneer of Christie, Manson and Woods International Inc., New York from 1978 to 1983. In 1983 and1984 he was Director of LIGHT Gallery, New York.
b a c k t o t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n p a g e
For nearly twenty - five years, Dale W. Stulz has been active in the field of fine art photographs and related material in a variety of capacities. Following graduation summa cum laude from the Department of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University, Mr. Stulz undertook graduate studies at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. From 1974 to 1975 he was Assistant Director of Scott Elliott Gallery / Helios Arts Inc., New York and was President of Highland Gallery Inc., San Francisco, until 1976. That year Mr. Stulz assumed the post of the Director of the Photographs Department at Martin Gordon Inc., New York, which for two years held semi - annual auctions of 19th and 20th Century photographs and fine prints. In 1977 he founded and was President of Argus Ltd., New York, which was the first auction facility devoted exclusively to fine photographs and related literature, the firm later acquired by Phillips, Son & Neal auction house.
Over the past fourteen years, Mr. Stulz has been an independent consultant, appraiser and auctioneer in the field. He is a member of the Board of Fellows of the Center for Creative Photography at The University of Arizona, Tucson, a former member of the Board of Trustees of The Friends of Photography / Ansel Adams Center ( San Francisco ), a past Chairman of the Board of Directors of Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions ( LACE ) as well as a Founding Board Member of the Photography Council of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. He also serves on the Advisory Boards of the Los AngeIes Center for Photographic Studies and San Francisco Camerawork. Mr. StuIz has taught and lectured on collecting photographs at the Friends of Photography, Hofstra University, the Photographic Historical Society of New York, and the School of Visual Arts, New York. In this country and abroad, his clients include private and institutional collections, archives and corporate groups.
S T A T E M E N T B Y D A L E W. S T U L Z
Speaking of his consultancy with The Photography Auction, Mr. Stulz has said:
" I find the challenges of this new venture stimulating and absorbing. The Internet may well provide a new vehicle for the dissemintion of information about a field in which many of us have spent the better part, if not all, of our professional lives. Photography traverses so many disciplines, from science and technology to aesthetic movements and issues in a variety of the visual arts. Photography was born as the Industrial Revolution gained full steam, and the Internet is an offspring of the Age of Technology. It is my hope that the auction presented here will offer both the confirmed colIector and those just beginning the same excitement we witnessed twenty - five years ago when auctions of photographs began in earnest. I also hope that Ms. Warren' s and my observations about many of these auction pieces will aid one' s insights in both the photographs themselves and their place in the history of a medium we find so fascinating. "